Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Movie Shorts Soundtrack What Should I Use For My Soundtrack For The MOVIE I Am Making?

What should I use for my soundtrack for the MOVIE I am making? - the movie shorts soundtrack

I will make a short film Touch of New York, and I have some ideas for the soundtrack. I have Frank Sinatra's New York, New York, so I need something more.


D D said...

Is this a serious question? YOU are the director ... Only you can tell the director what kind of soundtrack that you are looking for. It is their "responsibility", so to speak, to moods, attitudes determine emotion that you want to convey ... Even if you get suggestions from people here, I would not use it if I were you ...

So I am, and I'm sorry if I say what I wanted to hear. :)

Dan W said...

Be careful, Jack. By Frank Sinatra New York New York is more expensive to make a fortune in royalties and a fortune if you do not get em. And if you plan to go underground route and ignored my warning, then only to show their short films. ANYWHERE.

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