Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Benches In Concentration Camp What Is My WWII Concentration Camp/base Bench With Branded Eagle/swastika Worth? Should I Keep Or Sell It?

What is my WWII concentration camp/base bench with branded eagle/swastika worth? Should I keep or sell it? - benches in concentration camp

I bought a bank, while in Germany b / c I liked the look. He finished with a mark on the bottom is an eagle with a swastika with three letters. If the table is the average size of a picnic. I do not know what the letters are, like in the camps. (I do not use it for something that could happen to fear him.) I asked the local dealers around antiques and not help the situation. If you have photos, please let me know that I will be next week. Thanks for any help.


redneckm... said...

i my nature to keep them as a piece of history, and if you are in Germany, then it is very difficult to find because it is difficult to find a lot of the time even with the swastika attached to it.

for.gump said...

to donate to a museum. Nobody wants to buy a skinhead, and to display them.

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