Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bird Jungle Gym Hamster Teeth Help.?

Hamster Teeth Help.? - bird jungle gym

I am confident just before the start controlling my hamster, to me, but I want to be sure that your teeth are sharp and short, not long and delicate mate. I know you can tame Nippy especially when I want to be sure to do my utmost to ensure that the teeth are good to keep the pain when I cut exactly to do to. If you tell me what kind of nuts, fruits and vegetables will help, I also heard dog biscuits are good, but would be if you recommend a brand and type, which is great, I want to be sure that you have chosen to do good and not evil. It was also biting metal cage that can be read bordom I have a small climbing frame, he has rendered in wood and plastic impeller, and flies a house and a wooden staff, should be that a bird, but he goes and nibbles, how can I to prevent that and keep bordom, chewing on the cage? And there is wood that would not be advisable to bite in my hamster cage? and How do I clean wood from the outside ..


Jen A said...

Its hard to make the teeth of a hamster, just as you want, you can do is pleanty of toys to chew on his hammy again offer, and I hope you enjoy. You can go through different chew toys before finding one, which still enjoy forever. It appears that you looked up some information about hamsters, thats great. As for the dog biscuits, I can not specify a particular brand of 100%, as is the brand that you buy a store brand.
To my hamsters, I feed her "No Name Cookie Dog" No Frills. You can really feed your hamster any type of dog biscuit company, provided that no onions or garlic in it. Then simply read the ingredients, and if not, then it's okay for your hamster.
As should be at Mom, not a lot, because they are very fattening for your hamster, but if you want to give some of the best on offer are bombed, almonds, peanuts, peeled and acorns. You can also feed carrots, but fresh fruit should be given because they can rarely lead to wet tail (diarrhea that can kill your Hammy)
Some hamsters chew their cage boredom, some chew to attract the attention of their owner, to play with them, and chew some simply because their teeth are worn down, as always chew toys. Keep trying to offer toys to keep exciting news that your hammy is employed, and if you find it's always the problem, try doing it. Give him a hamster ball and let it roll over him for a while (often not even select the hamster to get in, I know that when the door with the ball in his hand works Hammy door to jump in)
The best type of wood to give your hamster is untreated wood from the pet shop, as you know that its 100% secure. But if you some places that you now get free from pesticide branches of fruit trees, hardwood components and molds, which are also well treated. You can also use a paper towel and toilet paper tubes hamsters, as they chew on them and through them. It can also traversed PVC pipes, as his Habitrail tubes but its cheaper.
To clean the wood surface, I take all the bark with sandpaper, then rub with the water with a pinch of baking soda to rinse the timber as well and dry completely. Thus any interference deleted "small" in the cortex can be, and is suitable for Hammy.
On the rock you can buy in pet stores, clean for about $ 2 sterolized, but since you put one outside the box, select a large number of strips in half with him, him, her nails so that they can. If you are your rock, rub with baking soda and water with an old toothbrush or something to remove dirt, then enjoy the rock in a solution of vinegar and water for one minutes, then rinse and let dry rock. When dry, put in a cage of hamsters.

I hope this answers your questions if you have more feel to contact me. (Click on my name to contact me)

Anonymou... said...

Well, I know, dog biscuits, but you give him a stick or a carrot for a day, then try to chew

In addition, a handkerchief, socks, and presented the minutes give the hamster in 45th accustomed to her smell!

jannsody said...

Well, I was a hamster, a cousin of the hamster, and we all rolls of toilet paper (after completed on paper, of course;), which helped to keep their teeth to some degree. I want to go with the rolls of toilet paper, because we never had a problem outside of the traditional form, which had for gerbils and hamsters in the pet store receipts. Make sure to get it from time to time when it is very popular among the cedar mulch (or any other material, clean, used by the Bank have contributed) and "token rolls of toilet paper. And my grandparents to their lists as and save:)

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